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Everything I Needed to Know About Being a Girl I Learned From Judy Blume

Here are some ideas to get the conversation rolling...

Judy BlumeDiscuss some of Judy Blume's most popular themes with the members of your Book Club.
In essays like "Then. Now. Forever." by Megan McCafferty, "The M Word" by Lara Zeises, and "Do Adults Really Do That?" by Laura Caldwell, the authors remember learning about and discussing sex for the first time. Sometimes it's traumatic, sometimes it's funny, but however it happens, it's always memorable. Share the story of how your parents first brought up the "birds & bees," or the time that your class was separated into groups of boys and girls to watch informational films on this biological imperative.  MORE>>

What did you learn about being a girl from Judy Blume?
Have each member of your Book Club bring a highlighted passage from her favorite Judy Blume book to read out loud to the group. Then, take turns answering the following questions... MORE>>

Enhance your Book Club Experience
For extra fun, make photocopies of the author survey questions to pass around to members of your Book Club, or forward it around via email. You can respond anonymously, or share your answers openly. MORE>>